pp108 : Configuring OS Processes for a Service Container

Configuring OS Processes for a Service Container

This topic describes configuring OS processes for a Service Container.

Process Platform provides a feature by which multiple Service Containers can be configured to run in a single JVM. This can be achieved by creating an OS process for the JVM. The Service Container is configured and runs within the selected OS process (JVM) . This feature helps you optimize memory usage as several Service Containers run within a single JVM.

To assign an OS Process to a Service Container, select the Assign OS Process option in the Properties - <Service Container Name> App Palette and set the required OS Process.
Refer to the following topics for more information on creating and modifying OS processes.

Important: In a general scenario, a single OS process is shared by different Service Containers. However, there are a few conditions to consider as listed below:

  • Business Process Management Service Container can share an OS Process with the following Service Containers, provided they point to the same CoBOC database details:
    • CoBOC
    • Data Transformation
    • Rule Repository
    • Scheduler
  • If you are configuring a WS-AppServer Service, ensure that you do not configure more than one WS-AppServer Service to a single OS Process. Doing so will result in configuration errors.Also, when you add more WS-AppServer Service Containers to an existing WS-AppServer Service, you must not configure WS-AppServer Service Containers that point to different databases (using different Database Configurations). If Service Containers point to different databases, they are likely to cause problems with data retrieval and persistence process.

Related concepts

Simple Object Access Protocol

Related tasks

Creating a Service Container
Modifying a Service Container

Related reference

OS Process Configuration Interface
Service Container Properties Interface
Logging Configuration Interface
Connection Point Configuration Interface
Service Container Details